MQX!!! It's Official, I'm Going!

Excited would be a serious understatement!! I have eye balled this show from when I started longarm quilting, in the hope that one day I would get there. Well, with registrations just opening, I quickly perused the faculty teaching at this years Pacific Northwest Quilt Festival in Portland, Oregon and made my selections. A couple of choices did prove difficult, as some of the class times clashed. It came down to a case of deciding, which would benefit me more. Trouble is, they would all benefit me, but as teachers run classes simultaneously when other teachers are teaching, choices had to be made. So these are the teachers I will be learning from this year at MQX:
Lisa Sipes (x2 classes)
Claudia Pfeil
Kim Brunner
Jamie Wallen
Cathy Wiggins
That's just the beginning of the selections. In the coming weeks, I will have to make my selections for the show at Houston. So many choices still to be made!!
Until next time, happy quilting.-Julie.


  1. I'm envious!!! My longtime wish, has always been to attend at one of the MQX shows, ..... and given that Janet now runs them at Portland, just minimises the costs a little. Oh how I wish I was going !! No doubt you'll come back all inspired and biting at the bit to put into practice what you have learned.

  2. Lisa and Claudia now I am jealous. You will love Kim and Jamie's class.
    Maybe we need a longarm adventure with a few girls to a show in the west.
