Take 2- This time it's happening!

This weekend I've been playing with a technique that I've been wanting to try for quite a while. Kay, from www.borderlinequilter.blogspot.com/ has perfected this technique of colouring parts of a quilt, to enhance specific areas. At MQX this year, I had the fun of hanging quilts for the show prior to it opening and actually hung Kay's quilt! It was seriously amazing and believe me, while I handled all the quilts gently with my white gloves on, when I took Kay's out from the container to hang it, I was thrilled to see it and was extremely careful, (insert paranoid almost) to make sure it was handled properly. Inktense pencils are used for the colour, but for the technicalities, I would recommend you check out Kay's blog. I trialled a couple of different ideas with application and the whole process is a lot of fun, although it did leave a few questions needing answers. Kay, if your reading this, expect an email soon!!!  :)

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, has fabulous conversational manner, for every situation in life. My mind was constantly thinking about practising my quilting and I could hear Lady Catherine de Burgh, chastising Elizabeth, that if she practised the piano more, she would play better than she did. I can hear her saying the above to me, so I thought I'd have a daily reminder of this in my quilting room. I giggle every time I read it, but it's serving it's purpose!!

Obviously, there has to be a Mr Darcy quote thrown in there that's related to quilting, so I thought that in his mind, accomplished would have to be a custom quilter!
I look at Lady Catherine, then Mr Darcy and it's enough to keep me on track and working out when I can fit in my next quilting session.

Take 2, on the purple quilt being loaded onto the frame and it's actually happening this time! (Must be the input that I've been getting from Lady Catherine and Mr Darcy!) This quilt was loaded some months back but got pulled from the frame because of other quilty stuff. I'm hoping to have it finished, binding included in the next couple of weeks, as I want to take it to a gathering of longarm quilters for my show and tell. At least with the quilting started, it can only go forwards now. I'm doing a feathery question mark design freehand, so the quilting will have lots of personality, if you know what I mean!
That's it for this one, so until the next, happy quilting.-Julie.

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