Ice Cream Social and more at MQX.

Ice Cream Social started out with everyone lining up to get their cocktail glass of ice cream. There were several delicious choices of toppings and many a person went back for a second helping. Myself included!! The teachers were all there as well, with tables set up showing their latest books and gadgets. This was definitely a good place to start, for getting some of those niche items us longarmers are always on the lookout for. You know the things I mean, those specialty items that are longarm specific, not readily found in everyday quilting stores. 
First purchase, a couple of design books by Kim Stotsenberg. Also a new book on free motion quilting, which is to be gifted to someone on my return home.

I have to say, when I spotted these books by Sue Heinz, they were an immediate must have for my quilting reference library. There is a third in the series, but these two really grabbed my attention. Background and sashing fills for circular areas become very manageable with Sues easy how-to directions.

Claudia's feathers DVD, now back in print, was also an addition to my MQX must haves. Since I am taking a class with her, I figured this way I can continue to learn from her, long after I have returned home.
Part of the excitement of Ice Cream Social night are many give away prizes. I was very fortunate to be one of two people to get the door prize for Claudia's A 2 Z(et) book. I am to receive this, on her return home. I can't wait!!
In between eating ice cream and door prizes being awarded, the teachers took the microphone and explained what we would be learning in their respective classes. They also had their class samples to show and inspire us. Here Jamie Wallen is getting us enthused, for the classes he will be taking this week.

Another door prize, this time awarded to George!! Janet Lee even told George, she's anticipating a quilt from him at next years show using these patterns! I advise you now, don't hold your breath on that one.

With a nights sleep to recharge my energy, the next morning was spent helping hang the show quilts. After that, I got to take my first class. No prizes guessing who this cool chicky is. Yep, Lisa Sipes. I had my first class with her today, and I learnt a few things that could make life at the longarm a whole lot easier. Looking forward to my weekend class with her, where we get to do some amazing stuff with rulers.
Until the next post from MQX, happy quilting.-Julie.


  1. OMG those books are like chocolate to me!! I really like the look of those books by Sue Heinz.......... I'll have to keep an eye open for them. My gosh, Lisa is one talented lady, any tips from her would be a great benefit to the whole quilting process.

  2. Oh Oh Oh ............... I could repeat I am jealous! But I have the ebooks from both Kim Stolstenberg and Claudia Pfeil so I might have to revisit them and pretend I am there. I will be looking for George's quilt too.

    Lisa Sipes too now I am big time jealous. Learn heaps it will be your turn to teach me now especially if I ask to gate crash during AQC in April 2014.

  3. What fun!! All that longarm goodness right at you finger tips. Thanks for sharing, I'm at the show vicariously through you :)

  4. Julie, seems I need to add Sues books to my library too.
