Finally Finished!

With all the deadlines met, for the quilting that needed doing before I leave for the States, the pressure is off!! So much so, that immediately on getting this one finished, I went down with a massive sinus cold that left me with a continual head ache for the best part of the week. Warning now: there's a few photo's of this quilt!

 From the start I knew there would be an organic, flowing element to the quilting. I also knew, I wanted some ruler work in there too. I love ruler work!!!

Initially, I looked at the corners of the blocks and just pondered... then it hit me!!! I would mark reference points and do pointy arrows in the negative space, to give the block a bit more pop. The secondary design that emerged as I quilted those corners, was reward enough, for the effort required to do them.

The back also developed. In effect, a second quilt was born.

It's fair to say, the painted areas are a star in their own right!! My Mum offered to paint these for me, as my initial thought for the border areas, was applique and I don't think she believed I could get them appliqued in time. (I think she was right!!)

Beautiful painting....

I have to admit, my Mum did a fantastic job on this quilt. When she checked with me regarding colour matching, if it wasn't quite right, she went happily back and mixed more sample colours for the prototypes that she painted before she was prepared to start on the quilt. Thank you Mum, you did an awesome job!!!! xx
With the perfect colours already in my thread collection, it was easy to select the few that would be used. So Fine and Magnifico threads were used for the quilting process, as well as a 60/40 wadding.
Mum and I are already planning our next quilt together.
Until next time, happy quilting!-Julie.


  1. Oh my goodness. Honestly, the first word out of my mouth as I saw your photos was, “Wow!!” You and your Mom have done a beautiful job - what a lovely collaboration! The painted borders are perfect. I absolutely love your treatment of the white spaces where you created a quilted sashing! Stunning! Just stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow!!! This really is a beautiful quilt. I love everything about it......... it reminds me of a Shabby Chic feel. Well done. Enjoy your time away.

  3. Oh Julie, this is fabulous. Yes, 'shabby chic' but definitely more chic than shabby. What a shame you didn't have it finished to enter for the show I would have loved to see this for real, what a team you and your Mum make.....
    Sorry you have been a bit under the weather, I'm keeping going till the last minute before my trip coz that always happens to me when I relax too....See you later in the week....

  4. Oh my that is so beautiful!! The quilting is so creative and so perfect. Absolutely love this one. And the painting, wow!!! What a treasure to have. Hope you feel better soon!
